Eucolyptus ond Rubber Tree wood logs sourced from Tirunelveli ond Pudukkottoi respeclively. These woods are mainly used io moke Choppr” somon, which is precisely white in colour ond eosy to corve out the shopes. Air seosoning of wood is lhe lroditionol method of drying the wood, ihe longesi
process, toking six fo nine months.The besl feoiure of lhe Ambosomudrom wooden iovs which mokes them slond oporl from other innovotive toys ore thol ihey ore eco- friendly ond ore moinly mode of nonloxic vegetoble colour dyes. The ioys ore ideol for children becouse they ore nol hozordous in ony woy, they ore very simple, vibronily coloured, sofe ond attrociive.
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