Virudhunagar Samba chilly is known for its characteristic bright red colour with an ASTA colour value of 59.1 units and a pungency level of 0.24% capsaicin content. Having a good capsaicin content, Samba chillies is preferred in the value addition industry especially for oleoresin extraction.Oleoresin is a deep red coloured, semi-viscous liquid extracted from dried red pepper. It draws its deep red colour from various Carotenoids present in the red chilli. Oleoresin is a natural extract without any antioxidants. It is highly sensitive to light, heat and air. The chilli has 18.105% of Oleoresin content.Chillies grow well in warm and humid climates but dry weather is also necessary during the maturity of fruits. High light intensity also increases the pungency of the fruits.
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