The unique feature of Salem Kannadi Kathiri (Brinjal) is its glossy nature and seems attractive being deep purple colour as compared to the other brinial varieties. It is having thin skin and the higher amount of flesh. Even though it has more seeds they are soft and adds taste to the food after cooking. Salem Kannadi Kathiri (Brinjal) is a nutritious vegetable that helps to maintain good health and provides many benefits to the body. People in the region prefer the particular Kannadi Kathiri due to its taste and they cook different varieties of dishes namely kathirikai kootu, kathirikai puli kulambu, poriyal, brinjal sambar, brinjal curry, chutney, smashed brinjal, stuffed brinjal fry, vegetable kebab brinjal fry, etc. Among them oil fried kathiri kootu (brinjal) is more famous among the households ofthe region.
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